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Binding machines and elastic

Bundling, elastic and finished. With our binding solutions you can produce uniform bouquets quickly and carefully, exactly the way you want it. Our solutions make it possible to process flowers of any type and size in a bouquet. In this way you invest in quality, increase productivity and you need less skilled personnel.

Binding machines and elastic

Tyson Binding machine

Automatic application of liquid sachet, binding and finished. The bouquets are ready for transport. The Chrymo Liquid Binder binds your flowerfood fast and precisely, saving the extra labour.

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Chrymo Binding machine

Automatic binding, sachet of flower food, elastic band and you’re ready to go. The bunches or bouquets are ready for transport. The Chrymo Binding machine binds your flowers fast and carefully, also adding the sachet of flower food.

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Chrymo Liquid Binding machine

Automatic application of liquid sachet, binding and finished. The bouquets are ready for transport. The Chrymo Liquid Binder binds your flowerfood fast and precisely, saving the extra labour.

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Binding elastic bands

The superior elasticity of the Bercomex binding elastic bands ensures less breakage and more bindings per roll. The result is less stagnation and retention of the quality of your flowers.

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Jumbo Cone

Do you want to improve productivity? The Jumbo Cone contains four times the quantity of elastic band the regular Bercomex Binding Elastic contains. This ensures less stagnation in your production process.

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